Read below to find out more about the people behind the scenes at One River. These are the main players on a day-to-day basis, but there are many more! We are so blessed with awesome prayer partners and part time team members who carry this mission in their hearts and help whenever they are able. We are so grateful for the community we are a part of!

Team Members

Tim Matthews – I am a proud Jesus lover, husband and father, and a huge nerd. I love to play the djembe in worship and geek out with some tabletop roleplaying games. As a profession I have been doing 3D animation for over 10 years for oil and gas companies. I love to create whether that is digitally on the computer or making stories with friends. I am a blessed father of one son named Judah who is a ball of smiles and wiggles and who will warm the heart of anyone he meets. God truly gave me his best when he gave me Katrina to be my wife. She is my best friend and fierce advocate. Jesus rescued me from a life of dead legal religion and a spiral of shame that I could never escape. I encountered His presence and His friendship and I will never ever be the same. Now I want to bring others the opportunity the same chance to encounter just how good He is.

Katrina Matthews – I am a young adult – 31 (that still counts as young adult, right?) – and I love life! I enjoy creating art and journal writing. I worked for five years serving Title-1 youth and helping to teach life skills through fun activities based on their interests. I am a wife to an incredible husband that I am always amazed that I am blessed enough to be with. And, now I have a son of my own! Judah is full of joy and is all of the playfulness and snuggles. I didn’t always love life, though. I had 11 hard and dark years. But, Jesus delivered me and saved me from the darkness I was living in! I’m so grateful that the God we serve is present in our lives. If it weren’t for His presence and willingness to move with love and power, I would not be here today. Be encouraged that there is no situation too bleak for the love of God to break through in real, powerful, and life-altering ways!

Laurelyn Rubidoux – I’m a student working towards my master’s degree in ministry. Being the creative type, I rarely have just one craft project going at a time. I’m also a deep thinker that loves to write, especially science fiction. I am a lightsaber-wielding nerd that can never get enough sci-fi! Since an early age, I’ve sensed God’s hand on my life despite experiencing chaos, trauma, and intense spiritual warfare. My spiritual journey has been rough and I’ve experienced my fair share of abuse caused by legalistic religion, yet Jesus has been with me every step of the way. Having seen how legalistic religion can push people into darkness and what giving into the darkness can do to a person, I am passionate about promoting prayer and ministry that brings healing and freedom to the abused and disenfranchised. Ever since I first experienced a prayer station at a 24-7 Prayer event, I’ve been in love with designing and building creative prayer stations/prayer spaces.

Governing Board Members

  • Anna Lukes –
  • Dayne Lukes –
  • Jill Way –
  • Tim Way –